TargetMedia - Vioxx Statistics

Vioxx - a Victim, not a Villain

Vioxx - Politics, Pain and the Torture of the American People

A white paper, authored by Avi Shatz, the founder, Chairman and CTO of Intercon titled "Politics, Pain and the Torture of the American People" is available for download here
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Vioxx Recall: an Error

Vioxx Press Release

Vioxx pain - a story of business and statistics errors

(08.05.06)Once again the violent combination of bad science, the desire for headlines and trial lawyers smelling money has driven a good drug, this time it's a Vioxx Recall, and the popular product Vioxx is out of the market.

Vioxx is not a direct contributor to heart attacks.

Based on Intercon System's 25 years of experience in data analysis, and following a thorough review of what has been published by the FDA, Intercon believes that Vioxx, Celebrex, Bextra and other non selective NSAIDs, when prescribed and used as labeled, are not a direct contributor to heart attacks or stroke.